Clean water is a condition of life for everyone, everywhere in the world. Since this spring, the Haarlem-Mutare City Link has been working with organizations in Haarlem and its sister city Mutare to clean up the rivers in both cities. We kicked off on March 18, 2023 during National Cleaning Day in both cities. The Spaarne was cleaned that day by IVN, Canoe club the Trekvogels, Scouting group Kontiki, SUPmission Haarlem, de Pinguïn, City link Haarlem Mutare, the Roadside Gang and many volunteers. The citizen group Mutare Rivers Rehabilitation Initiative (MRRI) cleans the Sakubva every week and works with the Mutare municipality. The joint water supply companies Netherlands VEI supports a drinking water supply project in Mutare and is a partner of our project.
September 16 World CleanUp Day
Another joint cleaning action will take place in both cities on September 16. SUPmission gathered that day at 10.30 am at the Dolhuys to rid Spaarne of Plastic Soup with Supboards. Participating via Sups is only possible via the website: availability of the Sup boards.
If you want to sail with the Pinguïn Haarlem electric boat, registration via is necessary due to limited space.
Scouting and canoeing clubs work from Haarlem North. Everyone meets at the Dolhuys around 12.30 pm where we view the ‘catch’ of that day.
September 19 Sustainable Water Management Debate, Pletterij Haarlem 8 p.m
We show our results in both cities and we will discuss SUSTAINABLE WATER MANAGEMENT in detail. On April 17, we organized an inspiration evening about the fight against plastic soup. On September 19 we will mainly discuss the less visible pollution of surface water.
See also:
Get inspired by the participant’s passionate stories.
More information
Haarlem-Mutare city link
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