March 18th is National Cleanup Day in the Netherlands.

The Haarlem scout group Kontiki, IVN and the canoe association of Trekvogels will clean up the Spaarne on Saturday 18 March together with SUPmision, De Pinguïn Haarlem and Stedenband Haarlem-Mutare. On the same day, in our sister city of Mutare, Zimbabwe, the Mutare branch of the city twinned with Mutare municipality and the citizens’ initiative MRRI (Mutare Rivers Rehabilitation Initiative) will clean up the Sakubva River. This action is the start of a joined campaign under the title ”Healthy Rivers”, Worldwide, let’s share the same water cycle”.

Over the coming year, we will work in both cities to make our rivers healthy for people and animals. March 18 is the start of this campaign.

Program Haarlem on March 18:

11 a.m.: From Penguin Haarlem, Kampervest 53, platform 31

From Kampervest number 53, to the Electric Penguin, will take a boat with 8 people on board to fish for dirt in the river Spaarne. The journey will take approximately 2 hours.

At 1:00 p.m. we will have arrived at Mooie Boules and will meet the other cleaning team there.

Do you want to browse with the Penguin?

11 a.m.: IVN-Trekvogels-Kontiki, Spaarndamseweg 25 Haarlem

From the Trekvogels Association, Spaarndamseweg 25, Haarlem. The quays of the Spaarne and Jan Gijsenkade will be cleaned and then the collected dirt will be transported with the ship of the scout group Kontiki to Mooi Boules Oerkap 3.

Do you want to join us? Just register by mail ”” (indicating

name and number of people).

1:00 p.m.: Mooie Boules, Oerkap 3 Haarlem

All Haarlem cleaning crews will meet at Mooie Boules and dispose of all rubbish in one heap. We will then weigh the recovered waste to show the public and the world how dirty the Spaarne is. Accompanied by a street orchestra from Haarlem, we will offer a great photo opportunity to celebrate the start of this campaign.

Mutare Program March 18th

The twin Town Mutare Chapter and MRRI and locals will be working with a large number of volunteers with Mutare Municipality in Zimbabwe to pick up litter around the Sakubva River. There too, the dirt will be picked up and there will be a photo opportunity so that we can compare the effort of the two cities.

This joint action of 18th is the first event of the “Healthy Rivers” campaign, “All over the world, let’s share the same water cycle”.

You will hear a lot more from us in the months to come.

Would you like to join or more information?

Contact Dik Bol, Haarlem-Mutare: 06-19850569

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