Presentation bicycle tunnel Spaarnoog

The Scheepmakersdijk district in Haarlem will soon be a hotspot richer. A street-art mural is being painted on both sides of the bicycle tunnel under the Gedempte Oostersingelgracht railway line.

The project is part of a larger plan to transform the Gedempte Oostersingelgracht into a ‘Green Singel’, with a green public recreation space for the neighbourhood, including a dedicated area for youth between the ages of 8 -18 years. Preparation of the street-art mural in the outdoor youth area signifies the first steps in realising the initiative.

On Wednesday, March 22, graffiti artists Phylos Donkertino and The Ben Plummer Sign Co, together with youth worker Rick van der Vlugt, presented their plan at a walk-in evening in the Haarlem Koepel. They had been inspired by the sculpture garden of 40 Zimbabwean sculptures in the neighbouring district of Spaarnoog. These sculptures, the work of 18 Mutarese artists, were commissioned in 2023 the residents’ association, the Stedenband Haarlem-Mutare foundation, the municipality of Haarlem and the Elan housing association.

Painting of the mural will be carried out this spring and will be a welcome enrichment to the Haarlem-East landscape.

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