Presentation bicycle tunnel Spaarnoog

The Scheepmakersdijk district in Haarlem will soon be a hotspot richer. A street-art mural is being painted on both sides of the bicycle tunnel under the Gedempte Oostersingelgracht railway line. The project is part of a larger plan to transform the Gedempte Oostersingelgracht into a ‘Green Singel’, with a green… Lees verder


March 18th is National Cleanup Day in the Netherlands. The Haarlem scout group Kontiki, IVN and the canoe association of Trekvogels will clean up the Spaarne on Saturday 18 March together with SUPmision, De Pinguïn Haarlem and Stedenband Haarlem-Mutare. On the same day, in our sister city of Mutare, Zimbabwe,… Lees verder

Sanchita’s essay

A MAN IS WHAT A MAN DOES HAARLEM- Zimbabwe means “stone houses” in shona. His name is Gift Sanyanga (Coordinator Mutare Stedenband). He was born in the city of Mutasa in Zimbabwe on May 28th, 1974. He has been diligently engaged in ‘Zimsurf’ program since the year of 2002. This… Lees verder

New Year’s reception

This Friday, January 27, several tenants of the apartment where the City Link Haarlem-Mutare and Pletterij work will celebrate the new Year 2023. “The event, which is a tradition, has not been celebrated for three years due to the Covid-19 crisis. It is therefore a pleasure to celebrate it again…. Lees verder

Happy New Year

Dear readers, Best wishes for the year 2023. We thank you for being faithful to our publications in Dutch or in English. This is one of the forms of support for our activities. And new with our Web, from this new year 2023, we will offer to the amateurs of… Lees verder

8 June 20.00 hrs, Theme evening and Exhibition Press Freedom in Nicaragua and the rest of the world, by Pedro X Molina and Hossien Rezaei .

We are going to talk about the increasing suppression of press, catoonists and others. Although more and more seems to be happening, it is becoming increasingly difficult for cartoonists to get it is becoming increasingly difficult for cartoonists to get their story out in many parts of the world. Pedro… Lees verder