Elections were held in Nicaragua on 7 November 2021. It was clear that incumbent president Daniel Ortega would remain in power as all serious opponents had previously been arrested. More interesting than the election result itself is the question of what Nicaraguan society will look like after November 7. Is the current state repression easing, is civil discontent increasing, is there a chance of armed resistance?
Stedenband Haarlem-Mutare, Nicaragua Committee Haarlem, Steungroep Nicaragua (Nicaragua Support Group) and De Pletterij debate centre organized a themed evening to discuss these issues. The event included an exhibition by Nicaraguan cartoonist Pedro X Molina on the situation in Nicaragua and a presentation by author JanGeert van der Post on his recently published book ‘Bullets, dollars and ambitions, power and politics in Nicaragua’.
A summary of the meeting can be viewed on YouTube for those who were unable to attend. The cartoon exhibition of Pedro Molina (nine cartoons in A2 format printed on Forex) can be borrowed from Stedenband Haarlem-Mutare.
For further information please contact Dik Bol at videofutura@gmail.com. The project De ontmaskerde macht is made possible with contributions from the Cultuur Stimuleringsfonds Haarlem and the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.